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Gifted and Talented

NPS Gifted & Talented

Norwalk Public Schools is committed to educating our children to their highest potential, affirming that outstanding talents are present in children and youth from all cultural groups and across all economic strata. The program offers opportunities for peer groups to challenge and learn from one another and develops a desire for excellence and a sense of individual responsibility to the school community and to a changing society.

The newly redesigned Gifted & Talented program will provide advanced, conceptually challenging, in-depth cross-curricula content which focuses on authentic research and problem solving skills. Staff will provide facilitation to support students to become independent and self-aware learners. Language, reading and writing are embedded across all disciplines. Differentiation allows for acceleration in all curriculum areas as may be appropriate for the individual student through curriculum compacting.

The program is aligned with best practices of the National Association of Gifted Children and is guided by the Renzulli Model of Schoolwide Enrichment. 


We are committed to nurturing the whole child’s distinct and diverse strengths, talents, and passions in order to develop student-driven critical thinking, authentic learning, individual responsibility, and global citizenship.


We believe gifts and talents are present in all children. Through the cultivation of enjoyment, engagement, and enthusiasm for learning, we will nurture students’ unique social-emotional needs and creative thinking practices. As a result, students will contribute to their school, community, and society as constructive and innovative global citizens.

 For Students:

  •  Explore strengths and interests
  •  Develop critical thinking and creativity skills
  •  Participate in student-driven authentic learning experiences

 For Educators: 

  •  Ongoing professional development 
  •  Knowledge of current and relevant pedagogy
  •  Usage of evidence-based practices and assessment data to inform instruction

 For Programming:  

  •  Fostering social-emotional learning
  •  Enrichment based on student interest
  •  Equitable identification processes and services 

Gifted & Talented Identification Protocols

A summary of the Norwalk Public Schools Gifted and Talented Program redesign identification processes and protocols. Gifted behavior looks different in every child. Norwalk Public Schools is dedicated to developing the talents of  students who have strengths in multiple areas.

Identification Measures:

• Achievement Measures 
• Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test
• Student Work
• Teacher Narrative
• Teacher Rating Scale

Student share meetings occur with the classroom teacher, an administrator, district coordinator and G&T teacher. This is a time to discuss the whole child.

G&T Program Timeline:

A timeline of the Norwalk Public Schools Gifted and Talented Program redesign identification processes and protocols:

Steps to Gifted & Talented Identification

We embrace a rolling admission process. Student performance is evaluated continually. For information specific to your child, please contact you child’s classroom teacher or the gifted and talented teacher at his or her school.

Please click here for additonal Gifted and Talented resources and links.

Parent Nominations

Parent nominations are accepted once per year in the spring.  Our nomination window opens on Monday, March 27, 2023 and closes on April 6, 2023.  If you would like to nominate your child for the Gifted and Talented program, please fill out the Google Form below. Please note: if your child is new to the district, please contact Lori Leibowitz for more information. 

Please click here to access the English version of the parent nomination form.

Haga clic aquí para acceder a la versión en español del formulario de nominación de padres.

“We know that all students’ learning improves when schools are perceived as being enjoyable, relevant, friendly places where students have some role deciding what they will learn...” (Renzulli, 1994). 

Gifted and Talented Teachers by Location 2021-22

  • Location Teacher Email
    Brookside Maria Stewart
    CMS Alyssa Malinowski
    Cranbury Nicole Rios
    Fox Run David Shear
    Wolfpit David Shear
    Jefferson Maria Paris
    Kendall Rosheika Vaughan
    Marvin Nicki Gotouhidis
    Naramake Nicki Gotouhidis
    Rowayton Jennifer Mendez
    Silvermine Anna McCormick
    Tracey Maria Stewart


  • School Location Teacher Email
    Nathan Hale Bryan Kirby
    Ponus Ridge Jennifer Nealon
    Roton Laura Czegledi
    West Rocks Janine Mouland


The G&T Department will provide regular informational postings on the teaching and learning strategies, parent resources as well as monthly highlights of program implementation. For further information, please contact:


Lori Leibowitz

Assistant Education Administrator for Gifted and Talented Programs
