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NPS Union Contracts

NPS Union Contract Catalog

Below you will find the collective bargaining agreements for each union within the Norwalk Public Schools district.

  • The Board recognizes the United Federation of Technicians, Local 72 Support, AFSA, CFSA, AFLCIO, as the exclusive bargaining representative of those members pursuant to the Connecticut State Board of Labor Relations Case No. ME 14,504 who are employed by the Board of Education of the City of Norwalk.

    Please click below to view the NPS Tech Contract:

    TECH CONTRACT 07/1/2022 - 06/30/2027

  • The Norwalk Board of Education hereby recognizes Connecticut Health Care Associates, National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees, AFSCME, AFL-CIO ("CHCA"), as the exclusive representative for the purpose of collective bargaining with respect to wages, hours and other conditions of employment for all Registered Nurses, Occupational Therapists and Physical Therapists employed by the Norwalk Board of Education (THE "Board"), excluding those Registered Nurses who are supervisors in accordance with the Connecticut State Board of Labor Relations Case No. ME-6774 and temporary and seasonal employees and all other excluded from the purview of §§7-767, et seq., of the Connecticut General Statutes. 

    Please click below to view the NPS Nurse Union Contract:

    NURSE UNION CONTRACT 09/01/2022-06/30/2026

  • This is a Labor Agreement made and entered into by the Norwalk Board of Education (hereinafter called the "Board") and UPSEU, Norwalk Board of Education Custodians, Maintenance and Security Staff (hereinafter called the "Union"). 

    The Board recognizes the Union as the exclusive bargaining agent and representative of the Custodial, Maintenance and Security Staff, for the purpose of collective bargaining with respect to wages, hours and other conditions of employment, and standards of productivity and perfonnance. 

    The Board and the Union hereby agree that the welfare of the children of Norwalk is paramount to the operation of the schools and hereby diligently promoted by both parties and that the good morale of the school staff is necessary to the greatest welfare of the children. 

    Please click on the link below to view the UPSEU Custodians, Maintenance & Security Staff Contract:


  • The Board of Education of the City of Norwalk and the Norwalk Federation of Teachers, Local #1723, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO, hereby agree that the welfare of the children of Norwalk is paramount in the operation of the school system and will be diligently promoted by both parties and that the good morale of the school staff is necessary to the greatest welfare of the children. 

    Please click the links below to view the NFT Contract and Agreement:

    NFT CONTRACT (2020-2023)

    Teacher Evaluation Plan (2018-2019)

    Flexibilities for Implementing the CT Guidelines for Educator Evalution 2017 for the 2021-2022 School Year

  • The Board of Education of the City of Norwalk and the Norwalk Federation of Educational Personnel, Local 3793, American Federation of Teachers, AFL􀁚CIO, hereby agree that the welfare of the children of Norwalk is paramount in the operation of the school system and will be diligently promoted by both parties and that the good morale of the staff is necessary to the greatest welfare of the children. 

    This Agreement is made and entered into between the Norwalk Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") and the Norwalk Federation of Educational Personnel, Local 3793, American Federation of Teachers, AFT CT, AFL-CIO (hereinafter referred to as the "Union"). 

    Please click on the link below to view the NFEP Contract:

  • The Board recognizes the Executive Support Group, Local 129, AFSA, CFSA, AFL-CIO, as the exclusive bargaining representative of those employees pursuant to the Connecticut State Board of Labor Relations Case No. ME 14,504 who are employed by the Board of Education of the City of Norwalk and are members of the Union, excluding the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, Executive Assistant to the Chief Financial Officer, Executive Assistant to the Chief TalenUHuman Resources Officer, the Executive Assistant to the Chief of School Operations and the Executive Assistant to the Board of Education. 

    Please click the link below to view the NPS ESG Contract:

    ESG CONTRACT 06/01/2022-06/30/2027

    ESG CONTRACT 06/01/2022-06/30/2027 – Memorandum of Agreement

  • The Board of Education hereby recognizes Norwalk Board of Education Food Service Workers, United Public Service Employees Union ("UPSEU"), as the exclusive bargaining agent with respect to wages, hours and working conditions for all persons employed as Food Service Employees of the Norwalk Board of Education with the exception of Secretaries, Bookkeepers, Assistant Director, Director and Director of Distribution Services. The Union shall negotiate only for those employees working twenty (20) hours or more per week. 

    Please click on the link below to view the NPS Food Service Contract:

    FOOD SERVICE CONTRACT – 06/30/2025