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2022-23 Budget Update: Schools Budget Represents an Investment in the Future, Not An Expense

Posted Date: 02/09/2022

2022-23 Budget Update: Schools Budget Represents an Investment in the Future, Not An Expense

By:  The Norwalk Board of Education Executive Committee: Colin Hosten, chair;  Diana Carpio, vice chair, and Godfrey Azima, secretary.


Last week, nine Norwalk students represented their peers in a conversation with US Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona. Their stories are remarkable: A senior who studies both Arabic and Japanese while working after school. A Norwalk native who already has 34 college credits. An Advanced Placement scholar who helps promote diversity in AP and honors classes. A multi-sport athlete enrolled in the International Baccalaureate program and who serves as class president. Middle school students who excel in math and art, speak multiple languages, star in school musicals, and one who even aspires to be a US Senator. 

We may be biased, but Norwalk students are simply amazing. Every child deserves the opportunity to write their own success story, just like the NPS scholars above.

When the Board of Education tackles the difficult work of recommending a school budget, we know that the hopes and dreams of young people like these live behind the dollar signs. Along with nearly 12,000 others enrolled in Norwalk Public Schools, these children are our future. As a community, we have an obligation to make sure they are ready for that future. Norwalk’s education budget is not an expense, but an investment that will pay future dividends to our entire community. 

For that reason, 85% of the 2022-23 budget approved by the Board of Ed goes directly to student and family support. The Board’s proposed budget represents a 4.5% increase over last year’s budget. That figure includes a 2.2% contractual increase for our hard-working teachers, paraeducators, nurses, custodians and other staff. Education is a people business, and personnel will always be the most critical resource for delivering high quality education.

The proposed budget reflects the long-term impact that Covid will have on students. High needs students require support to recover from the disruption to learning, while the pandemic’s social-emotional impact needs to be addressed across all grade levels. Increased staffing for our Gifted and Talented students will help better identify and serve more children.

The budget recognizes that inflation and utility costs are rising, and that building repairs and maintenance requires ongoing investment. While major projects such as the newly renovated Jefferson Marine Science Elementary School are supported by the City’s capital plan, operating budgets need to anticipate both regular maintenance as well as emergencies.

The City’s plans are moving forward to build a long-overdue school in South Norwalk, which will eliminate the long-standing unassigned attendance areas, provide educational options within the neighborhood, and support enrollment needs across the district. With this in mind, the school budget also recommends an additional $1.8MM, or a 0.9% increase, to begin enrollment and programming for the school. By “incubating” the school in 2022-23 with Pre-K and Kindergarten, the new school can establish staffing, programs and character while design work and construction is underway.

The Board of Education is fully committed to providing an excellent and equitable education, so all students graduate future ready as civically responsible, globally engaged and positive contributors to an ever-changing and diverse world. With a new Strategic Plan in place, Norwalk Public Schools has a strong road map for navigating through this difficult moment in education. But success requires appropriate investment. 

Our children recognize the importance of funding school budgets. As one of our students told Dr. Cardona, “we are always struggling with funding and budgets for schools, and I think that fixing this issue would be really great for school systems and for kids to get better education.”

Our students can be wise beyond their years.

Last year, Norwalk’s education budget was flat funded by the City, with no increase despite rising costs. One-time federal Covid relief funds were the only option for filling the resulting budget gap. If not addressed now, last year’s reliance on one-time funding will lead to the need for double-digit increases in the years to come. As a result, our recommended budget also includes options for mitigating this significant shortfall over time, versus all at once.

This year, we urge the City of Norwalk and members of the Common Council to adequately invest in the future of Norwalk students by fully funding the Board of Education’s recommended operating budget.