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NPS Welcomed US Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona

Posted Date: 01/26/2022

NPS Welcomed US Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona



On Friday, January 28, 2022, US Secretary of Education Dr. Miguel Cardona met with a panel of middle and high school students from Norwalk Public Schools (NPS) in Connecticut. The online event was hosted and moderated by NPS Superintendent Dr. Alexandra Estrella.

NPS students across the district took part in this event by participating in classroom lessons throughout the week to learn about Dr. Cardona and the Department of Education, and by submitting questions for the panelists to pose. Students at all schools watched the session live in their classrooms.

Nine students representing Norwalk middle and high schools asked Secretary Cardona questions to learn more about his own journey as a student, and to talk about his career and current responsibilities at the US Department of Education. Students posed questions about Cardona’s experience as a first-generation college graduate, his favorite school subject, advice he has given to his own children, and the importance of following one’s passion and overcoming obstacles.

Throughout the event Dr. Cardona referenced how important students are to the future. “Our students are our best resources. You not only provide us with the motivation, but you are inspiring in your understanding of how to move things forward,” he said. “I have a lot of confidence in our country because of the students that are in our classrooms today.”

Cardona also provided students with advice on believing in themselves saying “never underestimate what you bring to the table. Never underestimate your perspective, your passion, the gifts and talents you bring to the table. You are going to be the reason why our country is going to continue to grow and lead the world.”

“Norwalk Public Schools is truly honored to have had the opportunity for our students to engage with Dr. Cardona in an important conversation about education not only in Connecticut, but across the nation,” says Norwalk Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Alexandra Estrella. “Dr. Cardona is an inspiration and role model to our students as they continue their educational careers with a look forward to a successful future.”


Did you miss it? The event can be watched our NPS YouTube Channel! 


Student Panelists: High School

Katherine Chavarriaga, Center for Global Studies

Allison Figueroa, P-TECH Norwalk

Maria Fe Luque, Norwalk High School

Ramses Perez, Brien McMahon High School


Student Panelists: Middle School

Luis Emilio Acosta Chinchilla, Ponus Ridge STEAM Academy

Arden Estanislao, CMS K-8

Yubleiska Gutierrez, Roton Middle School

Daryl Jimenez-Cascante, West Rocks Middle School

Roy Roc, Nathan Hale Middle School