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Posted Date: 10/12/2021


The Norwalk Board of Education recognizes October as National ADHD Awareness Month to educate the public about Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder by sharing reliable information based on the evidence of science and peer-reviewed research.

The year’s ADHD Awareness Month focuses on “Reframing ADHD: Discovering New Perspectives.” Equipped with reliable information about ADHD, we encourage people impacted by ADHD to seek assessment, get appropriate treatment, share resources and celebrate successes.

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder affecting both children and adults around the globe. ADHD, AD/HD, and ADD all refer to the same disorder. Some individuals diagnosed with ADHD may have symptoms of hyperactivity, while others may show symptoms of inattentiveness.

Medical research shows that ADHD is both genetic and a brain-based disorder.  The factors that appear to increase a child's likelihood of having the disorder include gender, family history, prenatal risks, environmental toxins, and physical differences in the brain. ADHD affects people of every age, gender, IQ, and religious and economic background.

We know that failure to accommodate and understand ADHD in school can have negative effects on learning and social performance.  Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors or be overly active.

As we navigate COVID-19, the biggest concerns for adolescents and young adults are social isolation, motivation problems, and difficulties engaging in online work or schooling. However, when children, teens, and adults are diagnosed early and receive supports and treatment, they can lead fulfilling, successful and productive lives. A combination of multi-model treatments such as medication, psychotherapy, behavioral interventions, and educational interventions and support, focus on reducing the impact of ADHD, accommodating the symptoms and leading to improved outcomes.

By declaring this ADHD Awareness Month, the Board of Education encourages the community to reflect on this disorder and to seek out information that will help them to understand and appreciate the challenges that their peers are facing. Our long-term vision is to move past awareness and to accept and embrace individual differences.