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BMHS & NHS Music Students Proudly Perform at CMEA All-State Festival

Posted Date: 04/18/2023

BMHS & NHS Music Students Proudly Perform at CMEA All-State Festival

Brien McMahon and Norwalk High School students at CMEA All-State Festival.

Congratulations to Brien McMahon and Norwalk High School students who participated in the prestigious CMEA All-State Festival. The festival was held at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, March 30 to April 1.

To participate in the festival, the young musicians had to complete two competitive auditions. Once they qualified, the students had the opportunity to work with renowned conductors and clinicians and prepare a series of concerts that occurred on the final day of the festival.

Brien McMahon senior Henry Shifrin and Norwalk High sophomore Katie Donahue were both featured as soloists. Norwalk Public Schools was represented in each of the five performing ensembles. An impressive achievement!

[PHOTO #1: Back row L-R: Sean Tagariello (NHS), J'aire Pearson (NHS), Zachary Go (P-TECH), Ollie Shifrin (BMHS), Henry Shifrin (BMHS), Paul Chernysh (BMHS); Front row L-R: Ella McNulty (P-TECH), Kate Paradise (NHS), Katie Donahue (NHS)]

[PHOTO #2: Back row L-R: McNulty, Pearson, Go, Tagariello; Front row L-R: Aurora Albertson-Kelly (P-TECH), Donahue, Paradise]