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National School Social Work Week 2023

Posted Date: 04/03/2023

This week, Norwalk Public Schools celebrates 2023 National School Social Work Week, presented by the School Social Work Association of America. We acknowledge and vastly appreciate the selfless work of all our school social workers across the district, Grades K-12, and their invaluable impact on families' lives.

We sat down with a few of our committed school social workers to gain their perspective on why their roles are so integral to the growth of our students.

Rachel Josovitz

Dr. Rachel Josovitz – School Social Worker at Brien McMahon High School

How long have you been with the district? 
10 years  

How integral is it for students to have access to work with a social worker? 
It is critical to have social work support available and accessible to students, through a lens of equity and consistency.  At any given time, students and families are navigating various obstacles which require encouragement and support. As a social worker I am privileged to serve those within our community so that they have a resource to empower their growth and assist their healing. 
What about your work with NPS are you most proud of? 
The work I am most proud of is instilling in my students’ skills that they can utilize life after high school.  Life skills, coping mechanisms and stress management are tools which can be helpful at all ages and stages.  

Samantha Yurman

Samantha Yurman – School Social Worker at P-TECH Norwalk

How long have you been with the district?
13 years

How integral is it for students to have access to work with a social worker?
In order to educate the whole child, access to mental health support and social work services is vital. It is difficult to expect students to achieve academically when there are social/emotional factors that may be impacting their functioning. Access to the school social worker is absolutely imperative to ensure that the social/emotional wellbeing of all students can be addressed while at school. Social work support for students who have specific social challenges also ensures that an equitable education is provided to all school children.

What about your work with NPS are you most proud of?
I am most proud of making even just one small difference for the betterment of a child's life. 
The guiding principle of my work can be summed up with the quote by Maya Angelou - “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Brendy Franco

Brendy Franco – School Social Worker at Norwalk High School

How long have you been with the district? 
I have been with NPS for four years

How integral is it for students to have access to work with a social worker? 
Access to a social worker is important for the well-being of all students. Social workers play a crucial role in helping students deal with a range of issues, including emotional and behavioral problems, academic difficulties, family conflicts and other challenges that can impact their academic success and overall well-being. School social workers promote a positive school climate, address systematic barriers, support families and collaborate with other professionals to address the whole child.  

What about your work with NPS are you most proud of? 
I'm proud of being a social worker. NPS has allowed me to do what I love, which is to support students and their families. I honor the relationships that I build with my students on a daily basis. Research shows that good relationships help build resilient and happy children. The healthier our relationships can be, the healthier our world will be.  

Robin Gredinger

Robin Gredinger – School Social Worker at Ponus Ridge STEAM Academy

How long have you been with the district?

This is my 15th year with NPS.

How integral is it for students to have access to work with a social worker?

Today alone, I assessed three general education students for self-harm. This is becoming the norm for a typical day as a social worker in addition to servicing special education students on a daily basis. It is imperative for students to have access to mental health services in school so that they can get the resources they need and then be available for learning. Post-Covid, our students have more difficulties dealing with life issues than in the past. They have less problem-solving skills and, due to social media, they have less face-to-face social interaction. This makes it difficult for students to know how to handle social situations without support. In addition to this, our students are faced with many challenges at home. They, too, feel the pressures of things that are happening such as financial strains, homelessness, divorces, parents working multiple jobs, and drugs and alcohol used to cope with problems. Many of these are secrets that kids carry with them on a daily basis that impact their moods and their own anxieties.  

What about your work with NPS are you most proud of?

I’ve done some great work with our community partners around chronic absenteeism and with the Norwalk Mentor Program during my time in Norwalk. However, I would say that my greatest work has been with all of my students and families over the course of my time in Norwalk. I pride myself on developing relationships. Working with families over the years I have helped to find resources and have tried to help them communicate effectively with their children when things are difficult to discuss. Mostly, I’ve tried really hard to work with kids of all ages to give them their own coping skill toolbox to help them manage their life and social situations. It is my goal to have kids that leave me feeling like they can believe in themselves and love themselves just a little bit more than when they first met me.

Kevin Browning

Kevin Downing – School Social Worker at Tracey Magnet School

How long have you been with the district?

I have been working in the district for 7 years. 

How integral is it for students to have access to work with a social worker?

The role of a social worker has been under criticism for years due to distinct stigmas. However, we are here to be a resource and a guide. I believe that social work practice is essential for all students. As social work practice is rooted in building and sustaining relationships while advocating and providing a different perspective on addressing the needs of our students. The role of a social worker is unique as social workers are diverse and seek to enhance the emotional and relational intelligence of our students. Social workers are necessary and impactful! 

What about your work with NPS are you most proud of?

I am most proud of being a part of the lives of our students. Each day, our students are faced with different obstacles and I get the privilege to be a part of their journey, I get to be a part of their stories and what a gift as an educator!

Jules Douge

Jules Douge – School Social Worker at Kendall College and Career Academy

How long have you been with the district?
This is year 5 for me at NPS
How integral is it for students to have access to work with a social worker?
For me, ALL students need me, and I surely need them. For starters, my students make my work enjoyable. There are so many learning opportunities that I have
when I'm engaging with my students. They push me to try harder, be better and work every angle I need to, so that they are ready for college and career. Especially for 
my students who in many cases don't have an IEP but have familial struggles, disruption that remind them of a traumatic past, and those who just need a hug. I am glad
that I can be and will continue to be that vessel when they need it most.
What about your work with NPS are you most proud of?
All the credit goes to my students and school team who count on me to try my best in every battle. The administration team for their support and belief in SEL and its
future. I am proud that because of these things my students have broader opportunities to thrive as they grow and move on to the next chapters within their life cycles. Shout
out to my parents above all, for trusting us with their babies and for joining our school team to ensure we fight together on our way to greatness. 

Ana Martinez

Ana Martinez – School Social Worker at SONO School
How long have you been with the district?

This is my first year as a School Social Worker for the Norwalk Public Schools and I am thrilled to be part of the district.

How integral is it for students to have access to work with a social worker?

It is very important for not only students but also families and the community to have access to work with a social worker. Our role relies on us being the liaison between the school and the community, as well as to be a support for those families that need assistance. Having a school social worker can give students the ability to develop the appropriate skills that are needed to succeed throughout their development.

What about your work with NPS are you most proud of?

What I am most proud of is the rapport and relationships you build and the connections you make with students, families and the community. Since this is the first year for our SONO School, it has been rewarding to see that our families have a neighborhood school and feel supported. It is comforting to know that we are making a difference for the SONO community.