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Spotlight - Middle School Sports 2022

Posted Date: 03/17/2022

Spotlight - Middle School Sports 2022


The Norwalk Board of Education is proud to celebrate the return of middle school sports programs throughout the district. Beginning in the fall, hundreds of NPS middle school students across the district participated in intramurals and travel team opportunities including basketball, volleyball, soccer, handball, ping pong, floor hockey, track and more.

Middle school sports not only provide students with the ability to participate in physical fitness activities, but also help to support mental wellbeing, teach important life skills and discipline, while promoting a sense of normalcy.

The Board would like to recognize all of the coaches and NPS staff members who helped make the return of middle school sports a success by organizing practices and competitions, and supporting our student athletes.

We also want to congratulate the Nathan Hale boys and girls basketball teams and coaches for winning the Norwalk middle school championships!

This evening, we are excited to welcome and honor students from each of our NPS middle schools to represent their fellow athletes.

Ponus Ridge STEAM Academy

Seventh grade student Jada Hernandez plays basketball at Ponus Ridge STEAM Academy. Jada began as a dancer prior to joining the basketball team. Her favorite subject is Social Studies and she plans to go to college to become an English Teacher, and perhaps a WNBA player!

James Goiciechea is in 8th grade and plays basketball at Ponus. James enjoys Social Studies and Science and aspires to play in the NBA, or study to become a personal trainer.

West Rocks Middle School

An 8th grade student at West Rocks Middle School, Surayha plans to continue to play basketball and run track when she gets to Norwalk High School. Surayha is a part of the gifted and talented program and the West Rocks band. Her aspirations are to go to college and become a graphic designer.

Mason Olavarria is a 7th grader at West Rocks and is a part of the boys basketball team. His future goals are to be an NBA player so that he can take care of his family. He would like to study Math in college and rise to his full potential in basketball.

Nathan Hale Middle School

Mia McCauliffe-Grant is an 8th grader at Nathan Hale Middle School. Her sports include basketball, which she has played since kindergarten.  Mia plans to play college basketball and someday work with children.

An 8th grade student at Nathan Hale, Jalen Victor helped lead the boys basketball team to victory this winter. Jalen's favorite subject is Math, and after college he hopes to continue his basketball work and also work in the computer field.

Roton Middle School

Ryan Trimboli is a 7th grader who led the Roton basketball team in 3 pointers this year. In addition to basketball, he also excels in baseball. Ryan hopes to continue to play basketball through college at the University of North Carolina.  He then plans to become a coach. 

Melissa Mora is an 8th grade student at Roton. She is a member of the girls basketball team and was a lead scorer this year. Melissa is well respected by peers and teachers and looks forward to playing basketball in high school and beyond.

The Norwalk Board of Education is excited for our middle school students to be able to once again engage in sports. We are proud of all our staff and students, who enthusiastically welcomed back sporting activities and events this year!